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Our week working in Costa Rica was rewarding, enriching, and life altering. We went to Costa Rica to serve others, but discovered that the people we were helping were also serving us. We ate together. We visited homes. We taught and we were taught.  We sang, prayed and worshipped together. We took away a new understanding of the world church community as we returned to our homeland.  We are struck by the incredible poverty, but equally amazed at the joy in life we experienced in the barrio.  During our visit we were also able to rest, hike, swim, zip line through the tree tops, see spectacular scenery, observe beautiful flowers, watch wildlife, and eat! We brought back dozens of photos. More importantly we brought back memories of a country so beautiful, so amazing, that no one who really had his or her eyes open could possibly look and think this was an accident or chance happening. It is a spectacular example of God's perfect design.