During my forty years of teaching I have been deeply involved in intercultural service and study. I have taken students to San Salvador, a remote Bahamian island, taught Geography of Global Issues, and worked with international students from several first to third world countries. As a life-long educator I value programs such as PRAXIS and the competent people that have dedicated their lives to these projects. In September 2008, when I visited the home of Heidi Michelsen, I witnessed first-hand her commitment and dedication. For intercultural programs to be a success, they not only need competent and caring dedicated people but also people experienced in the total culture of the region and management skills. PRAXIS has these types of people. During my visits with the PRAXIS staff, I have come to appreciate their willingness to expose students to all aspects of life in not only the barrios but also the countries of the region. I am convinced that the PRAXIS CenterĀ“s programs can help bridge the culture gap in knowledge and understanding that some United States students have; and it can provide interaction with people in the region to promote their understanding of the U.S. citizens that are also part of their global community.